How Do I Care For My Lawn During the Summer Heat?


The heat in North Texas is notorious for being intense. So, if you are not ready to handle the Dallas heat, your lawn may end up looking brown and spotty. Thankfully, you have the professionals at Marlin Landscape to help guide your lawn care efforts. Here are a few of the basics that will help keep your lawn looking great this summer.


  1. When to Water. During the summer heat, you should water your grass in the morning and the evening. Avoid watering in the middle of the day when the water will evaporate away the fastest. This method is especially useful if your city has enacted water restrictions. If you find that watering in the morning during your set water restriction time is not enough, consider expanding your watering to the evening on your appointed watering days as well. However, be careful not to overwater. Soggy soil leads to drowned grassroots, fungus, and other diseases.
  2. How You Should Water. You may also wish to water deeply and infrequently. This means watering enough to deeply penetrate the soil and then waiting a few days before watering again. This method helps preserve water and gets your lawn used to dryer summertime conditions.


  1. When to Mow. Mowing in the summer should be done in the morning. This helps minimize the stress on your lawn during sizzling summer temperatures. It is also the coolest time of day, which is the best time for you to be out mowing if you want to avoid heat exhaustion.
  2. Mind the Length of Your Grass. You should also set your mower to a taller grass-length setting. Taller grass shades the soil better, which helps the ground retain moisture. And remember, when you cut, only cut one-third the length of your grass at any one time.


  1. Should I Fertilize? You probably should have fertilized your lawn at the end of spring or in early summer. If high temperatures have already set in, the best course of action is to wait until the fall. You see, the Dallas heat stresses out grass. In order to get through that stress, your grass needs energy. However, fertilizing will force your lawn to use that vital energy to grow instead. If the grass does not have enough energy to grow and deal with the stress that hot weather causes, you could wind up with brown spots in your yard.

Having Difficulty With Your Lawn? Consult With the Experts

Remember, the Dallas heat is no joke. Not only will you need to take extra care to keep your lawn healthy, but you will need to avoid overheating yourself as you are taking care of your yard. If you are still having difficulty maintaining a green yard in this summer, give us a call at (214) 935-3960 or fill out our online contact form. Our quality landscaping services are available throughout Dallas, Highland Park, University Park, Preston Hollow, and the surrounding areas.